What does the New Year mean to you
A new year means a new beginning, a reset, with all the best energy and strength that you have to put towards your intentions. I’m approaching it much desire and excitement! And I’m looking forward to many new things, new projects, and to incredible people who want to live life and create.
What are your goals in 2019?
To travel more for fun, to discover new places and learn from other cultures, to release my album with new music and finally share it with the world, and to enjoy every little moment more.
How do you plan for the things you want to accomplish this year?
Normally I don’t plan that much, I let things come and just dance with the flow.
Describe your wellness routine: skin, fitness, nutrition.
For my skin, I drink water all day, every day! It helps my skin a lot to hydrate. I love Kiehl's products - I use avocado cream for the eye contours and the concentrated oil for face. I also just discovered a new brand called Sweetwater Labs that is all natural that I really like their products as well. Fitness: living in New York, I walk everywhere as much as I can! I also dance, practice Yoga and meditate. Nutrition: I learn how to listen to my body, so I eat when I feel hungry, I follow a vegetarian/vegan diet. I love when food is cooked with love so that you really feel it in the taste (it's the same feeling when my mom cooks for me at home in Spain.)
What's the best piece of advice you ever got?
Be authentic and genuine.
Tell us about your go-to breakfast or snack.
Breakfast is one of my favorite meals. Matcha with coconut milk is one of my favorites. If I have the time at home, I like to make it with a slice of good bread, cream cheese, and strawberry jam. I also love papaya.
Share the most amazing skincare tip you ever got.
Working as a model, I get so many great skincare tips. I like to talk with makeup artists about my skin, and new products that they recommend. One amazing tip: put a spoon in the fridge and use it on your eyes to reduce inflammation. I also make a homemade avocado and honey mask.
How do you deal with stress?
I take 20 minutes to meditate every morning when I wake up before I do anything else. I take this time to listen to myself. It's the best medicine!
Finish this sentence: The best thing I do for my wellness every day is _____.
The best thing I do for my wellness every day is to accept and love myself and see the good in every moment.
A new year means a new beginning, a reset, with all the best energy and strength that you have to put towards your intentions. I’m approaching it much desire and excitement! And I’m looking forward to many new things, new projects, and to incredible people who want to live life and create.
What are your goals in 2019?
To travel more for fun, to discover new places and learn from other cultures, to release my album with new music and finally share it with the world, and to enjoy every little moment more.
How do you plan for the things you want to accomplish this year?
Normally I don’t plan that much, I let things come and just dance with the flow.
Describe your wellness routine: skin, fitness, nutrition.
For my skin, I drink water all day, every day! It helps my skin a lot to hydrate. I love Kiehl's products - I use avocado cream for the eye contours and the concentrated oil for face. I also just discovered a new brand called Sweetwater Labs that is all natural that I really like their products as well. Fitness: living in New York, I walk everywhere as much as I can! I also dance, practice Yoga and meditate. Nutrition: I learn how to listen to my body, so I eat when I feel hungry, I follow a vegetarian/vegan diet. I love when food is cooked with love so that you really feel it in the taste (it's the same feeling when my mom cooks for me at home in Spain.)
What's the best piece of advice you ever got?
Be authentic and genuine.
Tell us about your go-to breakfast or snack.
Breakfast is one of my favorite meals. Matcha with coconut milk is one of my favorites. If I have the time at home, I like to make it with a slice of good bread, cream cheese, and strawberry jam. I also love papaya.
Share the most amazing skincare tip you ever got.
Working as a model, I get so many great skincare tips. I like to talk with makeup artists about my skin, and new products that they recommend. One amazing tip: put a spoon in the fridge and use it on your eyes to reduce inflammation. I also make a homemade avocado and honey mask.
How do you deal with stress?
I take 20 minutes to meditate every morning when I wake up before I do anything else. I take this time to listen to myself. It's the best medicine!
Finish this sentence: The best thing I do for my wellness every day is _____.
The best thing I do for my wellness every day is to accept and love myself and see the good in every moment.